Exploring AI in international schools
What are the opportunities and challenges of using AI in education, and how do students
stand to benefit? We went to Pearson’s International School Leaders Conference to find out.
The use of AI in education is not a new topic but while international schools are eager to
embrace it, many are still getting to grips with how to integrate it. In his interactive keynote, ed tech advocate and assistant school director at Cambridge School of Bucharest, Matthew Wemyss, shared how AI can enhance productivity and learning.
Kicking off with a short poll, 35% of the room said they use AI in a teaching capacity, while 50% revealed they use AI in a leadership capacity, and 12% stated they didn’t use AI at all.
A top concern for delegates made up of school leaders, teachers and education providers was ethics and misuse of AI – namely plagiarism. Other concerns included potential student reliance on AI and threats to human and deep thinking, potential inequalities and persistent issues around trust, misinformation and deep fakes.
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