International Education & Schools Fair

Mission Discovery Space and STEM with ISSET and NASA




Higher education | University 18+
All webinars | Mission Discovery Space and STEM with ISSET and NASA

About this webinar

This replay live session, provides the lift off young people need to get excited about STEM. Join Sarah Murray, ISSET head of operations, Former NASA Leader and Chris Barber, founder and chief executive ISSET.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take science out of the classroom and challenge school students to unlock their incredible potential.

Open to all schools and students around the world.

Think big and inspire individuals to do unique things in Science, Technology, Engingeering and Maths and unlock their leadership and team skills.

  •  Schools get in touch and we’ll connect you with Chris Barber
  •  School students – pass this on to your school to watch the replay
  •  International parents ­– share with your teenagers, schools and network
  •  Global Mobility Professionals – share with international assignees
  •  Leaders – solving global skills shortages starts with schools

Tasters of what you can expect from:

  • You and your students and leadership team have the extraordinary opportunity to learn from NASA Astronauts and Space Scientists.
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to take science out of the classroom and challenge your students to unlock their incredible potential.
  • Open to all schools and students around the world.
  • Think big and inspire individuals to do unique things in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and unlock their leadership and teamwork skills.