Magazine Winter issue

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Winter issue

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Winter issue

Winter Magazine Images

Small world: early childhood education in an international setting

by | Sep 20, 2024

Early childhood education is increasingly valued and important. Specialist consultant Pam Mundy has worked in most countries around the world and advises on successful strategies to get it right. Sally Robinson reports.

Watching a video of a baby in a cot might not seem the most productive use of five minutes. Yet, it’s a technique early childhood consultant Pam Mundy sometimes uses to demonstrate exactly how crucial the early years are.

Watch it once and her audience is shifting in their seats. However, a tutored second viewing shows just how much is going on. They start to see how the baby is exploring their environment. Even in the first few hours after birth, a baby can mirror the expressions of its parents.


…read the rest of this article on our sister website Relocate Global