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Think Global Women

Inspiring women to make a difference, globally

Our latest International Women’s Day event

Inspire inclusion

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“Really inspiring. It was great to see so many women involved who are committed to driving gender equality forward in their own company as well as in their own careers”

Patrizia Kokot-Blamey

Inspire Inclusion 2024 Highlights

Our latest Think Women articles

Where next for women working internationally?

Where next for women working internationally?

People from across the global mobility, international management and education showed their commitment to embrace equity and joined Relocate Global’s "Think Global People Think Women" network on 10th march 2023.
Inspiring global women for growth — moving the dial on gender equity

Inspiring global women for growth — moving the dial on gender equity

Inspiring Global Women for Growth was the theme for a day of inspiration, networking and discovery to ...
When is the right time to ‘disrupt’ your career?

When is the right time to ‘disrupt’ your career?

Nicola Sturgeon is the second woman after Jacinda Ardern to resign recently from the top political role of her country. Both have been open about their reasons and thinking behind this big decision. What can we learn from this and apply to our own careers asks Dr Susan Doering, author of ‘Smart Career Moves For Smart Women’.
Think Women Podcast with Zarina Ward

Think Women Podcast with Zarina Ward

Think Women Podcast with Zarina WardIs being authentic the key to being a great leader? To celebrate International ...

2024 Event Gallery

What is ‘Think Global Women’?

Inspiring meaningful change

Think Global Women is a community of people coming together to connect, share and inspire positive change on a global scale. We bring together experience and insight from diverse industry sectors, organisations, countries and cultures. Find a wealth of connections, new ideas and practical solutions to put into practice in your own workplace.

Be part of the conversation

Our Think Global Women events, articles and curated programmes offer the opportunity for our community members to engage with and share their thought leadership, experience and services.

For future generations

Passionate about promoting STEM for girls in schools and universities as well as recognising the challenges that  need to be addressed to offer up more opportunities for women in leadership. Our Think Global Women are looking at systemic changes and practical action to drive long term change. We also understand that gaining confidence and having role models is a large part of the process and use our community to champion and empower women and girls to flourish, wherever they are in the world.

See the live webinar with Sarah Murrey of ISSET and NASA here shared with our audience for the International Women’s Day 2023.

Preparing child for new school
Preparing child for new school
Preparing child for new school


Think Global Women People

Sharmla Chetty

Sharmla Chetty, CEO of Duke Corporation Education

“As we women leaders rise in seniority, we need to pay it forward and bring others with us. For me, there’s the whole notion around being stronger together. Women can support each other and in that way make progress towards equality and social justice.”

Gina Lodge

Gina LodgeFounder & CEO World View and founder member of the Intelligent Leadership Hub

“Networks and communities like Think Global Women are absolutely key. They are incredibly important as a space for women, and men, to connect, make contact and support each other.”

Fiona Murchie

Fiona Murchie, Founder & CEO of Relocate Global: Think Global People

“Whether facilitating partnership programmes between business and education organisations, hosting webinars with astronauts to inspire students into STEM careers, or breaking down systemic barriers for more women to become leaders, I am passionate about building confidence in women and girls to embrace opportunities and flourish”

Take a look at Think Global Women Past events

sarah murray speaker NASA leader
2023 event
Free Livestream - Watch the Replay

Think Women: Exploring Space, Innovation & Leadership with Sarah Murray of NASA & ISSET

Think Women International Women's Day Celebration 2023
2023 event
IOD, London

Think Women: Inspiring Global Women for Growth

Think Global Women 2024 IoD invite Joy Burnford
2024 event
Think Global Women International Women's Day INSPIRE INCLUSION